Thursday, April 15, 2010


whoops!! i sorta forgot to write for a while, mostly because ive had ALOT on my plate. First of, the evils of PSSA's. PSSA's are like a test to see where you are at in math, reading, science, etc. Second, WE ARE MOVING!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! why? because right now we are renting a 4 bedroom,  3 bath townhouse.  there are  eight of us, soo its pretty tight. Me and my older sis share a room, my older bro shares a room with my younger bro, my dad has an office, and my baby twins bro and sis share a room with mom and dad. We have a basement, which we use a whole lot. we also have a eat-in kitchen, and a family room. EVERYwhere you look in the house is white walls xcept the basement.  got go m baby sis is touching groceries that mom just brought in.